In this section we state the fundamental thm on rectification of a direction field and deduce from it thms on existence, uniqueness, and differentiable dependence of the solution on parameters and initial conditions, thms on extension, and thms on local phase flows.
Rectification of a Direction Field
Consider a smooth direction field in a domain
[!def] a rectification of a direction field is a diffeomorphism mapping it into a field of parallel directions. A field is said to be rectifiable if there exists a rectification of it.
![[Ordinary Differential Equations - V.I.Arnold(英文版).pdf#page=93&rect=112,126,316,229|Ordinary Differential Equations - V.I.Arnold(英文版), p.89]]
[!thm] (Fundamental). Every smooth direction field is rectifiable in a neighborhood of each point. If the field is
times continuously differentiable (of class ), then the rectifying diffeomorphism can also be taken from the class .
Example: The direction field of the equation
Problem 1. Rectify the direction fields of the equations
The first rectification is
. The second rectification is not arround the origin.
It is impossible to rectify the direction field of the equation
Problem 3. Suppose a (smooth) field of two-dimensional planes is given in
[!thm] All smooth direction fields in domains of the same dimension are locally diffeomorphic (can be mapped into each other by a diffeomorphism).
[!thm] The differential equation
with smooth right-hand side is locally equivalent to the very simple equation .
In other words, in a neighborhood of each point of the extended phase space of
Problem 5. Prove that the coordinate system in Thm 3 can be chosen so that time is left fixed (
Problem 6. Rectify the direction field of the equation
The fundamental theorem on rectification was essentially discovered by Newton. In modern terms Newton's method consists of the following. Suppose given an equationn
Problem 8. Solve the equation
The proof of the convergence of the series constructed by Newton was much studied in the 19 th century. The convergence of the series for
Similar to linear algebra
The fundamental Theorem 1 is an assertion of the same character as the theorems of linear algebra on the reduction of quadratic forms or the matrices of linear operators to normal form. It give an exhaustive description of the possible local behaviors of direction fields, reducing all questions to the trivial case of a parallel field. A related theorem of analysis is the implicit function theorem. A smooth mapping
In other words, two mappings are locally equivalent if under suitable choices of admissible local coordinate systems in the domain and target space (with origin at 0) they can be written by the same formulas.
[!thm] Implicit Function Theorem In some neighborhood of a nondegerate point any two smooth mappings (of spaces of fixed dimensions
and ) are equivalent.
In particular every mapping is equivalent to its linear part at a nondegenerate point. Therefore the theorem just stated is one of numerous theorems on linearization. As a local normal form to which the mapping
Existence and Uniqueness Theorems
The following corollary is a consequence of the fundamental Theorem 1 on rectification.
[!cor] Through each point of a domain in which a smooth direction field is defined there passes an integral curve.
Consider a diffeomorphism that rectifies the given field. The rectified field consists of parallel directions. In that field an integral curve passes through each point (a straight line, to be specific). The diffeomorphism inverse to the rectifying diffeomorphism maps this line into the desired integral curve.
[!cor] Two integral curves of a smooth direction field having a point in common coincide in a neighborhood of that point.
For a rectified field this is obvious, but a rectifying diffeomorphism maps integral curves of the original field into integral curves of the rectified field.
[!cor] A solution of the differential equation
with the initial condition in the domain of smoothness of the right-hand side exists and is unique (in the sense that any two solutions with a common initial condition coincide in some neighborhood of the point )
We apply the above two corollaries to the direction field of the quation in the extended phase space. The result is Corollary 3.
In Corollary 3 and in what follows
is a point of a phase space of any (finite) dimension . This corollary is called an existence and uniqueness theorem for solutions of a system of first-order equations.
Theorems on Continuoes and Differentiable Dependence of the Solutions on the Initial Condition
Consider the value of the solution
[!cor] The solution of an equation with smooth right-hand side depends smoothly on the initial conditions.
This means that the function
For the simplest equation (
The theorem on differentiablility with respect to the initial condition provides a quite efficient method of studying the influence exerted on the solution by a small ==perturbation== of the initial condition. If the solution is known for some initial condition, then to determine the deviation of the solution with a nearby initial condition ==from the given "unperturbed" solution== a linear-homogeneous equation is obtained in first approximation (the equation of variations). The "perturbation theory" that arises in this way is but one of the variants of Newton's series method.
Problem 1. Find the derivative of the solution
Problem 3. Find the derivative of the solution of the pendulum equation
In using the approximate formulas for the perturbed solutions obtained through the equation of variations, one must not forget that they give a good approximation for fixed
For example, the formula obtained in Problem
In exactly the same way the solution of the full pendulum equation with initial condition
Problem 4. Find the first term (linear in
It follows from the differentiability theorem that the error in this approximate formula is at most
Problem 5. Prove that under this condition the relative error of the approximate solution is indeed small. Solution. This follows from similarity conditions. The quasi-homogeneous dilations
In applications of the theory of differential equations it is always necessary to deal with a large number of quantities, some of which are "very small" and others "very large." To discern what is large in comparison with what (i.e., in what order to perform the passages to the limit) is not always easy; the study of this question is sometimes half of the job.
Transformation over the Time Interval from to
![[Ordinary Differential Equations - V.I.Arnold(英文版).pdf#page=100&rect=43,320,388,538|Ordinary Differential Equations - V.I.Arnold(英文版), p.96]] The following corollary is a consequence of the fundamental theorem on rectification.
[!cor] The transformations over the time interval from
to for an equation with smoot right-hand side
- Are defined in a neighborhood of each phase point
for sufficiently close to ; - Are local diffeomorphisms (of class
if the right-hand side is of class ) and depend smoothly on and ; - Satisfy the identity
for and sufficiently closse to (for all in a sufficiently small neighborhood of the point ); - Are such that for fixed
the function is a solution of the equation satisfying the initial condition .
[!thm] The transformation over the time interval from
to for an autonomous equation depends only on the length of the time interval and not on the initial instant .
A translation of the extended phase space of an sutonomous equation along the
Problem 1. Assume that the equation
Theorems on Continuous and Differentiable Dependence on a Parameter
Assume that the right-hand side of a given equation
[!cor] The value of the solution with initial condition
are an instant depends smoothly on the initial condition, the time, and the parmeter .
We denote this value by
A small trick is useful here. Consider the "extended equation"
This extension trick reduces the theorem on smooth dependence on the parameter to smooth dependence on the initial conditions. Conversely, given smooth dependence on the parameter (for a fixed initial condition), it is easy to deduce smooth dependence on the initial condition. It suffices to translate the equation so that the initial condition becomes the parameter
Extension Theorems
The following corollary is an obvious consequence of the fundamental theorem on rectification.
[!cor] Corollary 7. A solution with initial condition in a compact set in the extended phase space can be extended forward and backward to the boundary of the compact set.
It is essential for the validity of the theorem that the direction field in the extended phase space be "nonvertical."
Proof of Corollary 7.
We begin by proving uniqueness. Consider the least upper bound of the time values at which two solutions with the same initial condition coincide. The solutions coincide to the left of this point. If both are defined at this point, then they coincide there also, since they are continuous. But then they must also coincide to the right of the point (by the local uniqueness theorem). Thus the point in question must be an endpoint of one of the intervals of definition. This proves uniqueness of the forward extension of the solution (for the backward extension the reasoning is similar). We now construct the extension.
The following result is an obvious consequence of Corollary 7 .
[!cor] Corollary 8. A solution with initial condition in a given compact set
in the phase space can be extended forward (resp. Backward) either indefinitely or to the boundary of the compact set .
[!cor] Corollary 9.
solution of the autonomous equation with initial value in any compact set of the phase space can be continued forward (resp. Backward) either infinitely far or to the boundary of the compact set.