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The topological structure of various matrix groups can be understood through their manifold properties and the underlying topological spaces they represent. Here's a summary of the topological structure for several common matrix groups:

1. Special Linear Group SLn(R)

  • Definition: SLn(R) consists of all n×n real matrices with determinant 1.
  • Topology: SLn(R) is a Lie group, meaning it is a smooth manifold with a group structure. It is also a closed subset of the general linear group GLn(R), which is an open subset in Rn2. Therefore, SLn(R) inherits the subspace topology from Rn2.
  • Manifold Structure: As a smooth manifold, SLn(R) is a compact (for n2) or non-compact (for n=1) Lie group. For n2, it has a non-trivial topology and is not simply connected; its fundamental group is Z.

2. General Linear Group GLn(R)

  • Definition: GLn(R) consists of all n×n invertible real matrices.
  • Topology: GLn(R) is an open subset of Rn2, making it a smooth manifold. It is not compact, as it includes matrices with arbitrarily large entries.
  • Manifold Structure: As an open subset of Rn2, GLn(R) has the standard topology of an open set in Euclidean space.

3. Special Orthogonal Group SOn(R)

  • Definition: SOn(R) consists of all n×n orthogonal matrices with determinant 1.
  • Topology: SOn(R) is a Lie group, which is compact and connected. It is a closed subset of On(R), the orthogonal group, in Rn2.
  • Manifold Structure: For n2, SOn(R) is a compact Lie group and is homeomorphic to the real projective space RPn1 for n=3. For higher dimensions, its topology is more complex.

4. Orthogonal Group On(R)

  • Definition: On(R) consists of all n×n orthogonal matrices with determinant ±1.
  • Topology: On(R) is a Lie group and is compact. It is a closed subset of Rn2.
  • Manifold Structure: On(R) is the union of two disjoint components: SOn(R) and its complement (matrices with determinant 1). It has a disconnected topology with two components.

5. Special Unitary Group SUn(C)

  • Definition: SUn(C) consists of all n×n unitary matrices with determinant 1.
  • Topology: SUn(C) is a compact, connected Lie group. It is a closed subset of the unitary group Un(C) in Cn2.
  • Manifold Structure: As a complex Lie group, SUn(C) is a smooth manifold with real dimension n21. For n=2, it is topologically equivalent to the 3-sphere S3.

6. Unitary Group Un(C)

  • Definition: Un(C) consists of all n×n unitary matrices.
  • Topology: Un(C) is a compact, connected Lie group. It is a closed subset of Cn2.
  • Manifold Structure: As a complex Lie group, Un(C) has a real dimension of n2. It is compact and has a rich structure, often visualized as a higher-dimensional analog of SU2(C).


  • SLn(R): Closed, non-compact Lie group (for n2).
  • GLn(R): Open subset of Rn2, non-compact.
  • SOn(R): Compact, connected Lie group.
  • On(R): Compact, disconnected Lie group.
  • SUn(C): Compact, connected complex Lie group.
  • UN(C): Compact, connected complex Lie group.