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SLn={PGLn(R):detP=1}On={PGLn(R):PtP=I}detP=1SOnUn={PGLn(R):PP=I}detP=1SUnSP2n={PGL2n(R):PtSP=S},where S=(0InIn0)2n×2n

特殊酉群 SU2

  • The [[equator of SU_2|equator]] of SU2.

The following conditons are equivalent:

  • A is the equator of SU2.
  • the eigenvalues of A are i , i.
  • A2=I.

The longitudes are conjugate subgroups of SU2 .

Let W be a two-demensional subspace of R4 that contains I, and let I be the longitude of unit vectors in W.

  • L meets the equator E in two points. If A is one of them, the other is A. Moreover, (I,A) is an orthonormal basis of W.
  • The elements of L can be written in the form Pθ=(cosθ)I+(sinθ)A, with A on E and 0θ2π.


  • the longitude (cosθ)I+(sinθ)i is the group of diagonal matrices in SU2. We denote this longitude by T. Its elements have the form


  • the longitude (cosθ)I+(sinθ)j is the group of real matrices in SU2, the rotation group SO2. The matrix cI+si represents rotation of the plane through the angle θ.

![[Algebra, Second Edition (Michael Artin) (Z-Library).pdf#page=281&rect=73,313,380,540|Algebra, Second Edition (Michael Artin) (Z-Library), p.281]]

旋转群 SO3

[[equator--conjugate class|equator is a conjuate class]]. Consider the rotation of SU2, the spin (A,α) denotes the rotation with angle α about the pole AE. Then (A,α) and (A,α) happen to be the same. So a rotation can be defined by considering (A,α) and (A,α) to be the same, which follows that the rotation group SO3SU2/{±I}. So SU2 is called the double covering of SO3. From a geometric point, since SU2S3, SO3 can be obtained by identifying antipodal points of SU2, i.e. S3. So SO3P3, the (real) projective 3-space.

[!EXAMPLE] P1 is obtained by identifying the antipodal points of S1, so this is obviously S1 again. However, it's much harder to imagine higher dimensional projective spaces.



A 反对称,则 eA 正交,若 A 反 Hermite,则 eA 酉.

For any matrix A, eTr(A)=deteA.

Proof: 假设 A 的特征值为 λ1,,λn,则 eA 的特征值为 eλ1,,eλn (容易验证).




矩阵群 G 在单位元处的切向量空间被称为群 G 的李代数,记为 Lie(G).

[!EXAMPLE] When we represent the circle group as the unit circle in C, the Lie algebra is the space of real multiples of i.

Similar to the tangent space of a path in Rn, the tangent space of a path in linear groups G is a matrix, and the path is a matrix-value function. If φ(t) is a path in G, and φ(0)=I, then φ(0) lies in Lie algebra.

On 的 Lie 代数包含反对称矩阵.

Let φ be a [[path in GL_n|path]] in GLn with φ(0)=I and φ(0)=A. Then (ddt(detφ))t=0=Tr(A).

Proof: we write the matrix entries of φ as φij. Then


Since φ(0)=0, then φi,j(0)=δij. Since φ(0)=A, then φi,j(0)=aij. Hence


The Lie algebra of SLn consists of the trace-zero matrices.

That's because

SL2 的正规子群

The center of group SL2(F) is {±I}. The quotient group SL2(F)/{±I} is called the projective group, and is denoted by PSL2(F). Its elements are the cosets {±P}. If F is a field of order 4, then the only proper normal subgroup of SL2(F) is its center Z={±I}. And the projective group is a simple group. Let q be a power of a prime. The order of SL2(Fq) is q3q. If q is not a power of 2 , the order of PSL2(Fq) is 12(q3q). If q is a power of 2 , then PSL2(Fq)SL2(Fq), and the order of PSL2(Fq) is q3q.

[!EXAMPLE] PSL2(F2)S3, the symmetric group. PSL2(F3)A4.