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The notion of the "equator" in SU(2) can indeed be interpreted in terms of conjugacy classes, which are important in the context of Lie groups and their representations.

Conjugacy Classes in SU(2)

A conjugacy class in a group G is the set of elements that are conjugate to each other, meaning for gG:

Conjugacy class of g={hgh1:hG}.

Conjugacy Classes in SU(2)

For SU(2), the elements are 2×2 unitary matrices with determinant 1. Any element USU(2) can be written as:

U=(αββα),where |α|2+|β|2=1.

Conjugacy classes in SU(2) are determined by the trace of the matrix, which is invariant under conjugation. The trace Tr(U) is given by:


Since α=a+bi (with a2+b2+|β|2=1), the trace becomes:


Equator as a Conjugacy Class

The "equator" of SU(2), as we interpreted geometrically, can be linked to a specific value of the trace. For example, if we consider matrices with a=0, then:


These matrices form a conjugacy class where the trace is zero. This subset of SU(2) corresponds to matrices that can be written in the form:

U=(biββbi),where b2+|β|2=1.

This forms a lower-dimensional manifold within SU(2) and can be visualized as the "equator" on the 3-sphere S3.


The "equator" in SU(2) corresponds to a conjugacy class with a specific trace value. In this case, matrices with a trace of zero form a conjugacy class that geometrically represents a 2-sphere S2 within the 3-sphere S3. This interpretation ties the geometric notion of the equator to the algebraic structure of conjugacy classes in SU(2).